Patron Saint-day of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming in South Chicago

Patron Saint-day of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming in South Chicago
Patron Saint-day of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming in South Chicago
Patron Saint-day of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming in South Chicago
Patron Saint-day of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming in South Chicago

On Sunday, 28 February 2021 parishioners of the church of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming in South Chicago solemnly celebrated their Patron Saint-day. The service was officiated by His Grace Bishop Longin with the concelebration of Archimandrite Toma (Kazic), archpriest Aleksandar Savic and protodeacon Milovan Gogic. 

The local choir (directed by Mr. Bosniak) responded very enthusiastically to all the prayers and contributed to the beauty of worship. It was joyful to see a large number of children participating in the Holy Liturgy. Although there are fears due to the virus pandemic, a significant number of parishioners filled the church, which was built in 1968 in the style of the Moravian school, following the example of the Kalenic monastery in Sumadia.

After the Holy Liturgy, a memorial service was held during which the names of all successful members of the Church-School Community were read. The Bishop spoke about the importance of Saint Simeon for the Serbian people, emphasizing the importance of keeping the old tradition - connecting everything with the content of the preparatory weeks for the Great Lent. -The words of the Father of our nation said to Saint Sava and the monks of Chilandar on his deathbed: My dear children, adhere to the Orthodox faith and Orthodox law. Because by sticking to this, you will have God as your helper, both the Most Holy Mother of God and my, if sinful prayer - they are still relevant today, His Grace Bishop emphasized.

После свете Литургије служен је помен на коме су прочитана имена свих усопших чланова Црквено-школске општине. Владика је беседио о значају Светог Симеона за српски народ, нагласио је важност држања старог предања – повезавши све са садржајем припремних недеља за Велики пост. -Речи Оца наше нације казане Светом Сави и хиландарским калуђерима на самртном одру: Децо моја драга, држите се православне вере и православног закона. Јер овога држећи се имаћете Бога за помоћника себи и Пресвету Богородицу и моју, ако и грешну молитву - актуелне су и данас, нагласио је Преосвећени. 
