The Plenum of the Patriarchal Board of Directors held a session

With the rite of invocation of the Holy Spirit, which was served in a Side Chapel by His Grace Bishop David of Krusevac, in a prayerful presence of His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija and representatives of the Serbian Orthodox dioceses, a regular annual session of the Plenum of the Patriarchal Board of Directors of the Serbian Orthodox Church began on 11 May 2021. 

This eminent convention of the diocesan representatives, who take care and supervise material and financial operations of the Serbian Orthodox Church, was chaired by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, together with Their Graces Bishops Jovan of Sumadija and David of Krusevac, members of the Presidency of the Patriarchal Board of Directors. 

The Director of the Patriarchal Administrative Office, protopresbyter-staurophor Stojadin Pavlovic, the head of the Department of General and Legal Affairs, Mr. Milan Andric; Head of the Financial Department; Mr. Milojko Sreckovic and  the Head of the Economic Department; Mr. Aleksandar Tomic.

Reports on material and financial operations, legal affairs, restitution of property, construction activities and other affairs of importance for the life and work of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as well as reports of all dioceses, were adopted. Also, the Final Account of the Central Treasury for 2020, the Budget of general needs of central bodies for 2021, as well as the financial reports of other units within the Serbian Patriarchate were adopted.