Regarding the catastrophic earthquake in Christchurch

God is our refuge and power; a help in afflictions that severely befall us.
Therefore we will not fear when the earth is troubled.
Psalm 46;2-3

Our beloved spiritual children, dear brothers and sisters. Οnly a few months have passed since the horrific earthquake which hit Christchurch and New Zealand in September 2010. Even less time has passed since the earthquake in Kraljevo. We are still recovering from the floods, cyclones and bushfires which have swept over Queensland and Western Australia, and now another catastrophe has come upon us.

While our parishes throughout Australia and New Zealand are struggling to help all those affected by these natural disasters another terrifying tragedy has struck New Zealand. The earthquake which hit Christchurch this morning is one of the most painful blows to all of us as many lives have been lost.

Још увек се наше парохије широм Аустралије и Новог Зеланда боре да на сваки могући начин помогну унесрећене у свим тим природним катастрофама, а ево још једне, и то у овом низу најстрашније. Овај земљотрес који је јутрос погодио Крајстчерч свакако је најболнији ударац свима нама јер је толико мноштво живота изгубљено.

Our only refuge in these moments, as the Psalmist says, is God. By trampling death, destroying the gates of hell and conquering our fear of death Christ defeated all our other fears and worries. Today, as we mourn those who lost their lives we seek condolence in Christ’s victory over death and in His absolute love of mankind we seek guidance in care for our fellow-men. Following Christ’s example We feel the sorrows of the families of those who lost their lives and in the name of our clergy, monastics and faithful We offer our heartfelt prayers and extend our deepest sympathies. We pray for the salvation of all those who lost their lives and for the salvation and rescue of those who still remain under the ruins.

With paternal love and Archpastoral blessings,


Bishop of Australia and New Zealand
of the Serbian Orthodox Church