Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun

Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun
Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun
Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun
Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun

The feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker,  Archbishop of Myra, the Saint Nicholas Day was solemnly celebrated with the Divine Liturgy held by Bishop Jovan of Ulpiana in the oldest church in Zemun.

With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, His Grace Bishop Jovan o Ulpiana officiated the Divine Liturgy in Zemun’s church of Saint Nicholas.

After the Holy Liturgy the faithful prepared an agape feast in the hall of the Parish house which shared with the Bishop and all the present.

Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun
Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun
Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun
Saint Nicholas Day in Zemun