Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica

Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica
Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica
Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica
Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica

The feast day of Venerable mother Parascheva solemnly was celebrated with the Divine Liturgy in the church on Cukarica, which is dedicated to this great Saint and Christian pilgrim.

A great number of the faithful gathered at the Divine Liturgy to prayerfully celebrate Saint Petka protector and our prayer before the Lord.

The Divine Liturgy was served by His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno with the concelebration of a great number of priests of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac.

After the service, with the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, Bishop Atanasije handed the order of Saint King Milutin to Mr. Dragan Radakovic, the director of Kosovo Mines - Obilic with its seat in Belgrade, and Mr. Andrej Otasevic, private businessman from Belgrade for their unselfish commitment and effort regarding the completition and adoration of this church, new parish house and the fence. 

photos by Mr Milovan Milivojevic

Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica
Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica
Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica
Saint Petka celebrated on Cukarica