Saint Sava marked in Trebinje, Herzegovina

Saint Sava marked in Trebinje, Herzegovina
Saint Sava marked in Trebinje, Herzegovina
Saint Sava marked in Trebinje, Herzegovina
Saint Sava marked in Trebinje, Herzegovina

The Saint Sava feast was solemnly celebrated with a liturgical gathering in the Cathedral church in Trebinje. After the Holy Liturgy, the children from the Trebinje kindergartens performed a suitable program, singing joyfully and reciting poems dedicated to Saint Sava. Packages were distributed to the children.

Primary and secondary schools jointly celebrated the school patron saint, St. Sava, in the Cultural Center of Trebinje, where representatives of these institutions together with the clergymen broke the Slava cake (loaf), while the students from this town organized a rich cultural and artistic program.

Source: Zahumsko-Herzegovian Diocese