Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery

In attendance of  a great  number of the faithful of the area of Studenica, the feast day of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Gusher – Patron Saint-day of the small church within the Studenica monastery – was solemnly marked with the Divine Liturgy. His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadia, bishop administrator of Zica, served with the concelebration of  Studenica’s Abbot Tihon, and number of priests and monks.

Source: Diocese of Sumadia

Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery
Saint Simeon the Myrhh-Gusher solemnly celebrated at Studenica monastery