A Christian Understanding of Homosexuality, Part 4: An All-Embracing Mythology
27. July 2017 - 7:45As one considers the extraordinary fabric of falsehoods and suppression of the truth that has characterized the evolution of this issue in the West, it is impossible not to hear the laughter of our ancient Enemy, the Father of Lies. This is one of his greatest masterpieces. Indeed, it is almost incomprehensible that gay activists, a small subset of people within a tiny minority, have been able to overturn reality within an entire culture in so short a period, unless it be with the help of an ancient intelligence and malice that we can scarcely comprehend.
A Christian Understanding of Homosexuality, Part 3: The Science of Homosexuality
25. July 2017 - 9:23Our discussion of the science of homosexuality will systematically refute numbers 1, 2, and 3 of the “four core beliefs.” Number 4 will be examined in the context of Christian anthropology—i.e., the Church’s understanding of the human person and condition in the world. First, what is the incidence of homosexual identity in the general population?
A Christian Understanding Of Homosexuality. Part 2. The Process of Change in the United States
25. July 2017 - 9:13The Judeo-Christian view of homosexual behavior was dominant in the cultures of Western nations from the 4th century to the mid-20th—a period of some 1700 years, and also was, officially at least, the view of the Muslim world. Even cultures outside the Abrahamic religions were influenced by their dominant worldview.
A Christian Understanding Of Homosexuality, Part 1
24. July 2017 - 10:04In light of the confusion stirred in some readers of recent texts on Social Media and other online portals, regarding the Church’s clear teaching on homosexuality and the pastoral need to care for those suffering in particular from the social trend to regard it as “natural” or a thing to be accepted as part of human nature, the following text is provided for contrast. Presented as a “reference text” at a clergy meeting of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in the USA last year, it offers a clear response to many of the social arguments used in the attempt to diminish the Church’s pastoral teachings, which always aim for the loving care and conversion of all who fall into any sin.
Accredited seminar for catechists of the Diocese of Zicha
20. June 2017 - 14:00With the blessing of Bishop Justin of Zicha, an accredited expert seminar entitled "Integrative Approach in Religious Education" was held for catechists (religious teachers) in the Diocese of Zicha, in the Monastery of Studenica on June 17, 2017.
Authors and program implementers were Dr. Vladan Tatalovic (Chair for the New Testament - Orthodox Theological Faculty in Belgrade), Dr. Srboljub Ubiparipovic (Chair of Liturgical Theology - Orthodox Theology Faculty in Belgrade) and Snezana Pavlovic, graduate andragogue, advisor in pre-school and primary education and counselor for religious education at state schools in the Ministry of Education of Serbia. The aim of the seminar was to strengthen capacities and professional competencies of catechists.
Cleveland Deanery meets with New Education Director
15. June 2017 - 13:30
On Monday, June 12, clergy from the Cleveland Deanery of the Eastern-American Diocese had an opportunity to meet with Rev. Deacon Jovan Anicic, their new Director of Religious Education.