Scientific Conference in Podgorica: Saint John Vladimir and his place in Serbian history, culture and spirituality

In the laura of Saint Symeon the Myrrhgusher in Nemanja’s town Podgorica a scientific conference with the theme “Saint John Vladimir and his place in Serbian history, culture and spirituality” was held on 2 July 2016.

The conference on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of the Martyr’s death was organized by the newly founded Institute for Serbian Culture from Niksic. His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije spoke on the topic “Saint John Vladimir above East and West”.

Dr. Zarko Lekovic spoke on the topic “John Vladimir in Serbian historiography” and Dr. Budimir Aleksic held a lecture on the monastery of Saint John (Shën Gjon Vladimiri) in Elbasan. Monk Dr. Pavle (Kondic) spoke about “A pebble in the mosaic of a halo of John Vladimir”. “Saint John Vladimir and Heavenly Justice” was a topic of the lecture held by Dr. Nikola Marojevic. Archimandrite Metodije (Ostojic) exposed on the theme “Self-scarifying love as an ideal of John Vladimir’s life”. Dr. Miodag Cizmovic had a topic “Saint John Vladimir and Kosara: love as strong as death”. Many other experts  delivered lectures relating to Saint John Vladimir as well.

Source: Metropolitnate of Montenegro and the Littoral