Serbian Orthodox Church

Serbian Patriarch receives Apostolic Nuntio

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received His Excellency Luciano Suriani, Apostolic Nuntio to Serbia at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade on 10 April 2018.

Presidents Dodik and Vucic visited Cathedral church in Trebinje

Presidents of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia Milorad Dodik and Aleksandar Vucic, RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic and Mayor of Trebinje Luka Petrovic visited the Cathedral church of Holy Transfiguration in Trebinje.

The guests was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and told them about the history of this church.

“If you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed…” (Mathew 17:20)

“If you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed…” (Mathew 17:20)
“If you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed…” (Mathew 17:20)
“If you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed…” (Mathew 17:20)
“If you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed…” (Mathew 17:20)

This spring when everything is awakening, and we see the nature in all her glory, our Sunday School children had a little different approach to our lesson. As we have read the story about faith, and how having even a little faith can make big changes we took that lesson outside and wanted to physically show how this is possible.

High Church medals for SAJ and its commandeer

High Church medals to the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAJ) of the Serbian Ministry of the Internal Affairs and its Commandeer Colonel Spasoje Vulevic.

On the third day of the greatest Christian feast-day – the Resurrection of the Lord, 10 April 2018, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrated the Holy Liturgy in the presence of many believers in the church of Saint Stephen of Dechani at Batajnica, n. Belgrade. On this occasion, the Serbian Patriarch awarded the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (as a institution) and its Commandeer Colonel Spasoje Vulevic (as an individual) with high Church medals – the Order of Holy King Milutin -for remarkable contribution in building the church of St. Stephen the Decani.

Our Beautiful Neighbor St. Sava Moves Toward Reconstruction — Quietly

It has been nearly two years since an Easter Eve fire raced through St. Sava, destroying the historic and architectural landmark. For those of you who were not in 1123 Broadway, 1133 Broadway or 11 West 25th Street at the time, you can read more about St. Sava and the fire here.

Great and Holy Tuesday in Lorain, Ohio

Great and Holy Tuesday in Lorain, Ohio
Great and Holy Tuesday in Lorain, Ohio
Great and Holy Tuesday in Lorain, Ohio
Great and Holy Tuesday in Lorain, Ohio

On April 5th - Great and Holy Tuesday - the faithful parishioners of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Lorain, Ohio, joined their orthodox brothers from St. Mary Ukrainian Church to greet and welcome their Archbishop, His Eminence Daniel (Zelinsky), by whom Holy Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts was officiated, starting at 6 pm.