Serbian Orthodox Church
Patriarch Irinej Serves at Monastery in Milton
9. June 2015 - 10:00On the First Sunday after Pentecost, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, administrator of the Diocese of Canda, officiated a the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy at Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Milton.
Concelebrating with His Holiness was His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America as well as the dicoesan clergy: V. Rev. Stavrophor Vasilije Tomic, the Episcopal Deputy, V. Rev. Stavrophor Milovan Sredojevic, V. Rev. Stavrophor Zivorad Subotic, V. Rev. Stavrophor Prvoslav Puric, V. Rev. Stavrophor Vojislav Pavlovic, V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragomir Ninkovic and Milojko Dimitric, V. Rev. Dusan Gnjatic and V. Rev. Milan Jovanovic, Protosindjel Vasilije (Gavrilovic), abbot of the monastery, Fr. Ivan Radovic and Fr. Jovan Marijanac, Protodeacon Damjan Bozic and Deacon Djuradj Kojic. Present at the liturgy was also Bishop Georgije who has been relieved of his duties. The diocesan choir "Kyr Stefan the Serb" under the direction of Jasmina Vucrovic, sang the responses at the Liturgy.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej in the Diocese of Canada
8. June 2015 - 16:02His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, pays an archipastoral visit to the Diocese of Canada from June 5-23, 2015.
According to the decision of the Holy Assembly of Bishops in May of this year His Holiness was asked to administer the Diocese of Canada. Serbian Patriarch arrived at the seat of the Diocese on 5 June 2015. His Holiness was accompanied by protodeacon Damjan Bozic.
Weekly Diocesan Bulletin - Sunday, June 7, 2015
5. June 2015 - 8:331st Sunday after Pentecost:
All Saints; Third Finding of the Honorable
Head of Saint John the Baptist
RESURRECTIONAL TROPARION - TONE EIGHT: You descended from on high, O Merciful One! You accepted the three-day burial to free us from our sufferings. O Lord, our Life and Resurrection: Glory to You!
Holy Trinity celebrates church slava
4. June 2015 - 14:09The clergy and parishioners of Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown celebrated their Church Slava on Sunday, May 31, 2015, Pentecost Sunday. The clergy and parishioners of Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown celebrated their Church Slava on Sunday, May 31, 2015, Pentecost Sunday. Joining the parish priest, Fr. Dragan Goronjic, at the holy altar were V. Rev. Stavrophor Djordje Mileusnic from St. Demetrius Serbian Church in Akron, Ohio and V. Rev. Milovan Katanic from St. George Serbian Church in Hermitage, Pennsylvania. Fr. Djordje delivered the festal homily following the gospel reading and spoke of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, how they preached the good news of the gospel and how all of us are called to do the same with both our words and deeds.
Pentecost 2015 at New Gracanica Monastery
4. June 2015 - 13:142015 Pentecost weekend at New Gracanica Monastery in Third Lake, IL began on Saturday, May 30th with Duhovske Zadusnice.
The Memorial Divine Liturgy was followed by a General Requiem service for all those who repose at the Monastery cemetery, as well as for the hierarchs, priests, deacons, monastics and laity of our Diocese who were remembered by the Monastery Brotherhood and by their loved ones who were present that day.
Feast day of the Representation of the Patriarchate of Moscow in Belgrade
2. June 2015 - 11:39His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch celebrated, on Whit Monday, 1 June 2015, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy on the occasion of the Patrons Saint-day of the church at the Representation of the Patriarchate of Moscow in Belgrade - the church of Holy Trinity on Tasmajdan.