Serbian Patriarch Porfirije solemnly welcomed in Banja Luka
His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch accompanied by His Grace Bishop Sava of Marca was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Jefrem of Banja Luka with the clergy, monastics and faithful people of the God-saved Diocese of Banja Luka, in front of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Banja Luka, on October 22, 2021.
After the solemn doxology, Bishop Jefrem addressed the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church with words of welcome: - Your Holiness, thank you for following the example of your great predecessors, the blessed patriarchs Pavle and Irinej, who undertook apostolic missionary journeys everywhere where the Orthodox Serbian people live. Everywhere, and especially in this area, you are eagerly awaited and welcome. We need your help and prayer support, the blessing of God with which we begin every good and successful work in the life of every individual and family, Church and nation. Your Holiness, we Orthodox believing Serbs in this area unmistakably feel that our strength is in a strong spiritual connection with the spiritual and national being of our people and our Church in our homeland.