Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija

Patriarch Porfirije: Look into yourself and your soul and ask yourself what God wants from you. What God wants from you is only your joy. Only when you fulfill it, you are filled with beauty, perfection, peace. Let the Gospel be your mirror. And when you see that you have deviated from the path that led to the goal, return to that path.

On the occasion of the Patron Saint-day of the Church of St. John the Baptist in Koncarevo, the Holy Gifts of the Body and Blood of the Lord were raised at the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy by His Holiness Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch, together with  Bishop Jovan of Sumadija.

Priests, monks, deacons, readers with numerous faithful people from Koncarevo, Jagodina, and the surrounding area served together. Serbian Orthodox singers from Belgrade sang responses.

After the reading of the Holy Gospel, Bishop Jovan addressed words of praise and gratitude to the faithful people, and above all to the Patriarch. At the very beginning, the Bishop addressed the Patriarch and expressed great honor and gratitude that His Holiness came to Jagodina and said that the people of Sumadija pray for him just as the Patriarch asked in his inaugural sermon.

After the Bishop, the Patriarch addressed the audience, who led the faithful to life according to the commandments of God and spoke about the path of salvation, which is filled with ups and downs. The Patriarch spoke about faith and trust as the basis of life.

After the Holy Liturgy, the Patron Saint-day of the endowment of Mr. Dragan Markovic, President of the Assembly of the City of Jagodina, and his home was marked. This year's church slava cakes were prepared by Dragisa and Snezana Petkovic from Koncarevo. For the next year, the cake will be prepared by priest Srdjan Danguzovic.

Among the numerous participants in the spiritual gathering were the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Ivica Dacic, Mayor of Jagodina Mr. Ratko Stevanovic and representatives of local, district and republic authorities.

Source: Diocese of Sumadija

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije visits Diocese of Sumadija