Best wishes from Mr. Dodik, member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
11. April 2020 - 15:40His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received a congratulatory message from Mr Milorad Dodik, a Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the occasion of Patriarch’s Slava (Patron Saint’s Day) in which it is said:
Your Holiness, I wish that You may celebrate in good health Your Patron Saint’s Day – the Raising of Lazarus, the Four Days Dead. The days behind of us, but also the ones that are ahead of us, are the days of great temptation for our people and our Church, which is also the cause of Your concern. Wishing that this difficult period would end as soon as possible, and that our people would recuperate in the nearest future, please accept the expressions of my deep respect.
President Vučić congratulates Serbian Patriarch’s Slava – Patron Saint Day
11. April 2020 - 16:03On 11 April 2020, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, received a congratulatory message from Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, the President of Serbia, on the occasion of St. Lazarus Saturday – His Holiness’ Patron Saint Day. The text of the message reads:
Your Holiness,
I cordially thank You for having invited me, as is customary, to jointly celebrate Your Patron Saint’s Day (Slava) – the Raising of Lazarus, the Four Days Dead. The complex situation in which our country is now, requires of all of us a great sense of responsibility and attention for our beloved ones. At this moment, it is our duty and obligation to preserve as many lives of our citizens as possible. I hope You understand that because of the gravity of the situation, we cannot be together on this important day. We cannot be together in physical sense, but spiritually, be assured, I will be with you with my whole being.
Not allowing this pestilence to cloud our joy over the coming Feast of all feasts, the Resurrection of Christ, I whole-heartedly congratulate You on Your Patron Saint’s Day – St. Lazarus Saturday. I wish that You may celebrate Your Patron Saint for many more years in health and continue to worthily head our holy Serbian Orthodox Church, as you have done so far.
Aleksandar Vučić
President of the Republic of Serbia
The Church donated masks to the Health Center of Ugljevik
10. April 2020 - 20:48The charity organization of the Diocese of Zvornik-Tuzla "Three-Handed Mother of God" donated 350 stitched masks to the Ugljevik Health Center for the protection against coronavirus. The protective masks were handed over by protopresbyter-staurophor Milan Topic and protopresbyter Sreten Micic along with Jelena Djuric Spasojevic, a member of the charity "Three-Handed Mother of God".
The church in Novi Dvorovi provided masks for parishioners
10. April 2020 - 20:47A charity event was organized by the Church Community of Novi Dvorovi, Bosnia, led by priest Archpriest Jovan Banovic, when protective masks were sewn that are necesaary due to the newly emerged situation of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus.
Ruma: Donation to the Health Center and aid to people
10. April 2020 - 20:38In recent days, during the state of emergency and a pandemic of the coronavirus, the Serbian Orthodox Church in Ruma, Syrmium, and its Charitable Foundation Sandra B. Premrou organized activities to help those who need it most.