Patriarch Porfirije receives Metropolitan Anthony from the Ukranian Orthodox Church
20. May 2021 - 18:00His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, received His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of Borispol and Brovary, chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade, on 19 May 2021.
On that occasion, Metropolitan Anthony conveyed the congratulations of His Beatitude the Metropolitan Onuphrius of Kiev and All Ukraine regarding the enthronement to the throne of the primates of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Patriarch Porfirije ordained deacon Dr. Srboljub Ubiparipovic ito the rank of priest
22. May 2021 - 19:15
On the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas of Myra, 22 May 2021, His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Holy Hierarchall Liturgy with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa in the church of Saint Nicholas in Zemun.
On this occasion, the Patriarch ordained deacon Srboljub Ubiparipovic, an associate professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theological of the University of Belgrade, to the rank of priest. Wishing the new messenger in the vineyard of the Lord to preach the Gospel of Christ to the faithful people of God as Saint Nicholas did,ванредног професора на Православном богословском факултету Универзитета у Београду, у свештенички чин. Пожелевши новом посленику у винограду Господњем да проповеда Јеванђеље Христово верном народу Божјем онако како је то чинио Свети Николај, the Patriarch pointed out: "We also pray to God that the grace he received in the act of this ordination will be his constant companion, that it will permeate his every thought throughout his life and that he will be embodied in everyday concrete deeds, so that his priestly service may be to him for the salvation and benefit of the Church''.
The beginning of the work of the Holy Synod of Bishops
25. May 2021 - 13:54Under the arches of the magnificent Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in the Vracar district on May 25, 2021, under the chairmanship of His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, and with the participation of Their Eminences and Graces diocesan bishops, the working part of the session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church began.
The session is held in the crypt of the Holy Great Martyr Prince Lazar, equipped to facilitate the smooth and efficient work of the Assembly, at the same time adhering to the epidemiological measures prescribed by the competent state authorities.
Patriarch Porfirije opens the Memorial Room of Patriarch Pavle in Monastery Rakovica
21. May 2021 - 19:50
Patriarch Porfirije: We follow the traces that Patriarch Pavle left us on the path that led our Church towards the living God, Christ our Savior, who is our faith and our hope and our love.
Serbian Patriarch Pavle of blessed repose with his deeds obliged Serbs to remember him gladly and continue his path of faith, truth, justice, charity and love. He said: Love is the highest virtue. Everything that a person shares with others decreases, except love. The more you give it, the more you have it. On May 20, 2021, with such love, the church and the gate of Rakovica Monastery were filled, where His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, opened the Memorial Room dedicated to Patriarch Pavle.
Prayerful beginning of the Holy Assembly of Bishops
24. May 2021 - 14:34The Holy Assembly of Bishops began on 24 May 2021, on the feast day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, with the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy, officiated by His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, and with the concelebration and prayerful presence of hierarchs in the Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in the Vracar district beginning at 9 am.
"We gathered at the Assembly of Bishops to first of all manifest and show the unity of our local Church. At the same time, we have come together to - meeting in the Spirit of Love, in the Holy Spirit, meditating together on all the temptations facing our Church wherever it is - to bring together solutions that are not simply administrative, but solutions in the Spirit. Holy. Such solutions aim to bear witness to the body of Christ, the crucified and risen Christ, and to build up the body of Christ", Patriarch Porfirije said.