Audiences at Serbian Patriarchate – 26/27 November 2012
28. November 2012 - 12:13His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received on 26 November 2012 at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade, Mr. Sinisa Gataric, the head of the Municipality of Prnjavor, Mr. Drago Ciric, the head of the Municipality of Srbac and Mr. Zoran Latinovic, the head of the Municipality of Gradiska, as well as Mr. Milorad Suvaljac, a businessman from Moscow , the benefactor of the Serbian theologians who study in Russia.
St George Lorain shares their blessings this Thanksgiving
27. November 2012 - 15:17“O give thanks unto the LORD,for He is good;
for His mercy endures forever.” ~ Psalm 118:1
This Thanksgiving Saint George Serbian Orthodox Church gave thanks to God by sharing their blessings with their local Lorain community. 8 members of the parish, including Fr Aleksa Pavichevich and his mother Barbara Pavichevich, Kim and Kata Malobabic, Kathy and Farrah Fritsch, and Dee Dee and Anna Tumbas donated their time this Holiday season serving dinner at the Haven Shelter.
Church Slava Celebrated in Columbus
27. November 2012 - 14:33The St. Stevan of Dechani Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus celebrated their Church Slava on Sunday, November 18th 2012. His Grace Bishop Mitrofan, assisted by parish priest Fr. Isak Kisin, served the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, which was followed with the blessing of the Slava Kolac and Koljivo.
At the beginning of the Divine Liturgy His Grace Bishop Mitrofan tonsured and ordained 9 Readers. Following the Service a Slava luncheon was prepared in the social hall by the Circle of Serbian Sisters and St. George Brotherhood for everyone in attendance. During the luncheon the parish priest, Fr. Isak, for his faithful pastoral work, was elevated to the dignified rank of Protonamesnik by His Grace Bishop Mitrofan.
Hierarchal Holy Liturgy at Cathedral Church in Trebinje
27. November 2012 - 13:42On the feast day of Saint John the Merciful and venerable Nilus of Sinai His Grace Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral Church of the Transfiguration of God in Trebinje. Following the Holy Liturgy the faithful listened to the sermon of His Grace Bishop Grigorije.
Source: Diocese of Zahumlje-Herzegovina
Divine Liturgy at Cathedral Church in Nis
27. November 2012 - 13:41On Sunday, 25 November 2012, at the Cathedral church in Nis, His Grace Bishop Ignjatije of Branicevo celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Bishop Jovan of Nis and the clergy of the city of Nis concelebrated.