Serbian Patriarch celebrates Holy Liturgy on Bezanijska Kosa
26. November 2012 - 10:45His Holiness Kyr Irinej, Serbian Patriarch celebrated yesterday, on the feast day of Saint John the Merciful the Holy Hiearchal Liturgy at the church of Saint Basil of Ostrog on Bezanijska Kosa. On this occasion, His Holiness presented to Dr Dusan Vukotic, the vice deputy director of the Clinical Centre Bezanijska Kosa in Belgrade, the Order of Saint Sava of the Second Degree.
Patron Saint’s Day of Special Anti-terrorist Unit of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia
23. November 2012 - 15:16The feast day of Holy Michael the Archangel has been celebrated by the members of the Special Anti-terrorist Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, already for 11 years. This year, His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno performed the Holy Liturgy in the courtyard of the church of Saint Stephen of Decani in Batajnica in the presence of Mr. Spasoje Vulevic, commander of the
Audiences at Serbian Patriarchate – 20 November 2012
22. November 2012 - 14:15His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received on 20 November 2012, at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade, His Grace Marko, Bishop of Bregalnica and Locum Tenens of Bitolj, and His Grace David, Bishop of Stobi and Locum Tenens of Strumica.