Feast of the Icon of Most Holy Three-Handed Theotokos in Kalenic
30. July 2012 - 10:02His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija on the feast of Holy Disciples Proclus and Hilarion and the Icon of the Three-Handed Theotokos, on July 25, 2012 served the Divine Liturgy in the monastery of Kalenic.
Slava of the Belgrade church of Saint Gabriel the Archangel
27. July 2012 - 9:21The slava of the church of Saint Gabriel the Archangel on Dedinje in Belgrade was solemnly celebrated yesterday with the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy which was led by HIs Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch.
The church of Saint Gabriel the Archangel is located in Humska str., built in the memory of the Serbian soldiers died in the First World War, in the period of 1937 until 1939. The building of this church was financially supported by Milan Vukicevic, member of Parliament with his wife, who were also buried in their endowment.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej attends the taking the oath of ofice by members ofGovernment of the Republic of Serbia
27. July 2012 - 15:46His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch attended today, on July 27, 2012 the formal taking the oath of ofice by the members of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in the Serbian Parliament in Belgrade.
Patriarch Irinej meets Serbian Ambassador in Turkey
27. July 2012 - 11:07His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch receives on July 24, 2012 at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade His Excellency Dusan Spasojevic, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Turkey.
President Dodik visits church of St. Sava in Foca
26. July 2012 - 15:29President of Republic of Srpska Mr. Milorad Dodik visited on Tuesday, July 10 the church of St. Sava in Foca, which construction began in 2005 , and promised that the Government of RS and all other institutions would help the church construction.
The President of the Committee for construction of the church of St. Sava in Foca presbyter Nenad Tupes informed Dodik with financial problems regarding the continuation of the works. For the church roof lacks 800.000 KM.