News from Diocese of Nis

News from Diocese of Nis
News from Diocese of Nis
News from Diocese of Nis
News from Diocese of Nis

At the monastery of Saint Demetrius in Divljani near ancient Remesiana, Bishop Dr Jovan of Nis served the Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of priests of the monastery hieromonk Seraphim and presbyters Ivana Cvetkovica and Miroslava Bosnjaka. 

Slava of the church of Saint Kyriaki in Veliki Mokri Lug

Slava of the church of Saint Kyriaki in Veliki Mokri Lug
Slava of the church of Saint Kyriaki in Veliki Mokri Lug
Slava of the church of Saint Kyriaki in Veliki Mokri Lug
Slava of the church of Saint Kyriaki in Veliki Mokri Lug

Residents of the Belgrade suburb of Veliki Mokri Lug have celebrated today the slava of their church - Holy Martyr Kyriaki. On behalf of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy was served by His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana. 

Reunion of the graduates of the Seminary in Krka

Former students of the Seminary of Holy Three Hierarchs - generation of 1977-82, celebrated on Jyly 17-18, 2012 thirtieth anniversary since the graduation at Krka monastery. The reunion was attended by His Grace Bishop Fotije of Dalmatia. On July 18 former professor protopresbyter-staurophor Mihailo Marijanac served the Divine Liturgy. After the Liturgy the memorial servise was served for the late professors and students of the Seminary. The guests organized an excursion to the National Park "Krka" and got to know with beauties of the lower flow of the Krka river. In late afternoon hours they visited the Krupa monastery.