Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava

Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava
Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava
Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava
Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava
Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava
Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava
Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava
Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava

His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, vicar of Serbian Patriarch Irinej served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy on Theodor's Saturday in the Seminary of Saint Sava with the concelebration of priests and deacons of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac.

The Bishop held a sermon and greeted the rectorof the Seminary, protopresbyter-staurophor Dragan Protic, professors and students. 

General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec

General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec
General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec
General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec
General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec
General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec
General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec
General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec
General Bertolini at the Patriarchate of Pec

On Wednesday, Thursday March 1, 2012, the Stauropegic laura of the Patriarchate of Pec was visited by the Italian Joint Operations Headquarters Commander, Lieutenant General Marco Bertolini. General Bertolini visited the Office of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, and from there, accompanied by  Bishop Jovan of Lipljan, vicar of Serbian Patriarch Irinej, went to the complex of churches of the Mother of all Serbian churches. From there he visited the guesthouse where he met mother Fevronija, heugomene of the monastery .

Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in Klisina monastery

Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in Klisina monastery
Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in Klisina monastery
Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in Klisina monastery
Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in Klisina monastery

The first Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts during the Easter Lent was served at the Monastery of Klisina on Wednesday, February 29, 2012. The Liturgy was served by His Grace Bishop Hrizostom of Bihac-Petrovac who was concelebrated by local priests.

Donor lunch at Niagara Falls

Donor lunch at Niagara Falls

On Sunday, February 26 2012, in the Serbian Hall at Montrose rd. in Niagara Falls, a donor lunch for the continuation of works on the construction of the church of Saint Petka in Sjenicak in Kordun was held. With their presence and contributions, the present expressed their unity and desire to help this holy work, by showing that love and harmony would build this holy church.

Divine Services in the capital

Divine Services in the capital
Divine Services in the capital
Divine Services in the capital
Divine Services in the capital

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served today the Divine Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in the monastery of Rakovica, while Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno and Bishop Andrej of Remesiana served in Belgrade's church of Saint Mark and the small church of Saint Sava on Vracar respectively.