Orthodox Dalmatia

Orthodox Dalmatia
Orthodox Dalmatia
Orthodox Dalmatia
Orthodox Dalmatia

His Grace Bishop Fotije of Dalmatia, with the director of the Provincial Institute for the Cultural Heritage Protection Novi Sad Mr. Zoran Vap and his associates, visited Obrovac and the church of Holy Trinity where father Sasa Drca informed them about details of the renovation of the church and possibilities of the restauration of iconostasis. The guests also visited the church of the Nativity of Most Holy Theotokos in Bilisani and the Krupa monastery, where abbot Gavrilo (Stefanovic) informed them about plans of a renovation of the monastery and the iconostasis.

On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming

On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
On the Eve of the slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming

In the presence of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch and Their Graces Bishops Lavrentije of Sabac and Atanasije of Hvosno, His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana served the vesper service on the Eve of the feast day of Saint Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming in the chapel devoted to the founder of the Serbian Church and the state in Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade.

Bishop Andrej served in Saint Sava church in Belgrade

Bishop Andrej served in Saint Sava church in Belgrade

His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana served on the feast day of Venerable Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming the Divine Liturgy in St. Sava church in Vracar. His Grace was concelebrated by priests and deacons of the Church with chanting of the Singing Society "Mokranjac", which also marked its slava.

Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming

Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming
Slava of the Patriarchate chapel of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served yesterday, on the occasion of the church slava, the Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchate chapel of Saint Symeon the Myrrh-Streaming in Belgrade.

Sunday of Orthodoxy Pan-Orthodox Youth Rally in Alhambra, CA

Source: Western American Diocese