Bishop Konstantin in canonical visit to Hannover
20. February 2012 - 10:49On Sunday of the Prodigal son, February 12, His Grace Bishop Konstantin of Middle Europe served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of St. Sava in Hannover. He was concelebrated by local priests.
St Sava celebrated in the Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Moscow
29. January 2004 - 13:34The Patronal Feast of St. Sava the first Serbian Archbishop was commemorated with the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Moscow. Archbishop Christopher of Prague and Slovakia concelebrated with Archimandrite Anthony (Pantelic), Dean of the Representational Church, and other clergy. Attending the liturgy were staff from the Embassy of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, Mr. Nebojsa Jerkovic Ambassador Gordan Milinic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as numerous Serbian and Russian faithful.
In keeping with Serbian tradition, following the Divine Liturgy, the festal bread was cut and festal wheat blessed, both prepared by the host of the celebration, Mr. Vucic. Recitations by Serbian children, catechetical students at the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, completed the Patronal celebration.
Desecration of Serbian shrines in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
26. January 2004 - 11:07Forced entry into Orthodox churches and shrines frequently occurs on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Metropolitanate of Dabro-Bosnia frequently addressed complaints to the Federation Ministry of the Interior, however the answer was always the same that the perpetrators were underage individuals. Although judging by the gravity of the situation, it was obvious that children could not execute the same.
Dr Dragutin Trickovic receives Order of Saint Sava of the Third degree
16. February 2012 - 9:41The Holy Holy Hierarchal Liturgy of the Serbian Orthodox Church gave primarius Dr Dragutin Trickovic, director of the Dr Vukan Čupić Mother and Child Health Care Institute of Serbia in New Belgrade, with the highest distinction of the Serbian Orthodox Church - Order of Saint Sava of the Third Degree, for active love for the Holy Mother Church and persistent testimony of Resurrected Christ. On the feast day of Sretenje Dr Trickovic was awarded with this order by His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, vicar of His Holiness, on the behalf and with the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch.
Celebration of the Sretenje in Orasac
15. February 2012 - 21:12The celebration of the Sretenje (Meeting of the Lord) in Orasac also this year commenced with the Divine Liturgy which was led by His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija, with the concelebration of local priests. The service of God waa attended by Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic with his spouse Katherine.