Thanksgiving for new officers of the Serbian Army

Thanksgiving for new officers of the Serbian Army
Thanksgiving for new officers of the Serbian Army
Thanksgiving for new officers of the Serbian Army
Thanksgiving for new officers of the Serbian Army

With a blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, his Vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the St. Sava Memorial Cathedral on Vracar, with the concelebration of six priests and three deacons. A thankful public prayer meeting was served on the ocasion of the end of the schooling of cadets of 131th and 132nd class of the Military Academy and the invocation of the Holy Spirit for the beginning of a new school year in the Military high school. This is a traditional event which takes place on the beginning of September, and which is the result of a very successful cooperation realized by the Committee for religious education of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac and the military educational institution which are located on the territory of the jurisdiction of the Arcbishopric.

A meeting of religious teachers of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac at St. Basil of Ostrog church on Bezanija

A meeting of religious teachers of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac  at St. Basil of Ostrog church on Bezanija
A meeting of religious teachers of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac  at St. Basil of Ostrog church on Bezanija
A meeting of religious teachers of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac  at St. Basil of Ostrog church on Bezanija
A meeting of religious teachers of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac  at St. Basil of Ostrog church on Bezanija

This year's annual meeting of religious teachers of the Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovac, held on Tuesday,  August 30, will be remembered for Serbian Patriarch Irinej's first participation at this sort of meeting.  As before, at the beginning of the school year, the religious teachers of the Archbishopric of Belgrade - Karlovac gathered in Saint Basil of Ostrog church in Belgrade's suburb of Bezanija. His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy. He was concelebrated by Vicar Bishop Atanasije (Rakita) of Hvosno, the president of the Committee for religious education and several priests and deacons. At the Liturgy the Choir of catechists chanted. 

Patron Saint's Day of monastery of Gracanica - Assumption of the Theotokos

Patron Saint's Day of monastery of Gracanica - Assumption of the Theotokos
Patron Saint's Day of monastery of Gracanica - Assumption of the Theotokos
Patron Saint's Day of monastery of Gracanica - Assumption of the Theotokos
Patron Saint's Day of monastery of Gracanica - Assumption of the Theotokos

In the monastery of Gracanica solemnly a holiday of the Assumption of the Theotokos was celebrated, the church slava of the monastery. The Holy Liturgy was served by His Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren with the concelebration of priests of the hierarchal regency of Pristina.

Twenty-year memorial service

Twenty-year memorial service
Twenty-year memorial service
Twenty-year memorial service
Twenty-year memorial service

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served on Saturday, August 27, 2011 the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of St. Mark the Apostle and the Evangelist and the twenty-year memorial service to Serbian Patriarch German of blessed repose. His Holiness was concelebrated by priests of the church, former close associates of Patriarch German, protodeacons: Dr Stanimir Spasovic, Tomislav Milanovic and Stevan Rapajic. The choir of the Church of St. Mark chanted.

Press conference of the representatives of traditional Churches and religious communities

Press conference of the representatives of traditional Churches and religious communities
Press conference of the representatives of traditional Churches and religious communities
Press conference of the representatives of traditional Churches and religious communities
Press conference of the representatives of traditional Churches and religious communities

Today at the premises of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Belgrade the press conference was held where the representatives of the traditional Churches and religious communities in Serbia pointed at many issues with the restitution of the illegally seized property of the Churches and religious communities in Serbia. On this occasion lots of press representatives were addressed by His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa, Archbishop of Belgrade Mr. Stanislav Hocevar, President of the Federation of the Jewish Communities Mr. Aleksandar Necak and the lawyer who represents the Churches and religious communities in the process of the restitution Mr. Miroslav Nikolic. (BETAPHOTO/VLADIMIR GOGIC)