Holy Pentecost in Frankfurt

His Grace Bishop Konstantin of Middle Europe on the Eve of Holy Pentecost participated vesper service which was served by protonamesnik Simeon Tirkic and deacon Aleksandar Perkovic in the church of St. Luke The Apostle and  the Gospeller in Frankfurt a.M. On the feast day of Holy Pentecost His Grace Bishop served in the same church the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of protopresbyter Marko Jovanovic and deacon Aleksandar Perkovic


Source: Diocese of Middle Europe

Patriarch Irinej meets with Professor Konecni

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received on June 15, 2011 in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade Mr. Vladimir Konecni, the eminent professor of the University of California in San Diego, USA.  

Sunday of All Saints in Zemun

On Sunday of All Saints, the first week after Pentecost, His Grace Vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, with the blessing and on behalf of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch, served the Divine Liturgy in the church of St. Trinity in Zemun. 

Bishop Longin Leads Celebration of Pentecost at Chicago Cathedral

His Grace Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwestern America, new diocesan hierarch of Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, was formally welcomed on Sunday, June 12, 2011, as he led the liturgical celebration of the feast of Pentecost.

Memorial service for 6000 Serbian victims of the Ustasha "Black legion"

In Stari Brod, which is administratively belongs to Rogatica, 15 km along the Drina canyon below Visegrad, on Saturday June 18, 2011, the memorial service was held for 6000 Serbs who were in spring 1942 killed by the members of the notorious Ustasha regiment "Black Legion", then  foundations,  cross and bells of the chapel whose construction began last year in May, were consecrated.