Celebration of Saint Sava in Szentendre
2. February 2021 - 15:51On Sunday, January 31, 2021, on the feast of St. Athanasius the Great and St. Maximus, Archbishop of Serbia, also Saint Sava, the first Serbian Archbishop, was solemnly celebrated in Szentendre.
New York’s Saint Sava Cathedral Parish Celebrates Its Patronal Feast
2. February 2021 - 15:23In anticipation of soon returning to their own Cathedral Church, which has completed the Secure and Enclosure Phase of its reconstruction, and its Center, the Serbian community in New York City celebrated their parish Feast Day – Slava of Saint Sava on Sunday, January 31st, 2021 at the Greek Orthodox parish of Saint Eleftherios in Manhattan.
The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was officiated by His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America. His Grace was joined in concelebration by the Very Rev. Presbyter Milan Dragovic while the students of Theology and diocesan staff, together with the faithful, sang the responses.
Patron Saint-day of the church of Saint Athaniasius the Great in Zemun
1. February 2021 - 12:12His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija and administrator of the Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovci, served the Holy Liturgy in the church dedicated to that great benefactor of God in Zemun, on on January 31, 2021, on the feast of St. Athanasius the Great.(phоto gallery).
Archpriest-staurophors Petar Lukic and Djordje Trajkovic , archpriest Drasko Tepavac, priests Predrag Timotijevic and Borjan Antic, protodeacons Stevan Rapajic and Ivan Gasic and deacon Dragan S. Tanasijevic concelebrated together. On that occasion, the Bishop ordained Mr. Tomislav Krcmar, graduated theologian, to the rank of deacon. The liturgical gathering was enhanced by singing of the Serbian Orthodox Singers from Belgrade. This year's host of the slava celebration was the Malesevic family.
Celebration of Saint Sava at the Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Moscow
1. February 2021 - 11:35In the church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Moscow, the Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church, on January 27, 2021, the great feast day of Saint Sava, the first Serbian Archbishop, was solemnly marked.
His Grace Bishop Antonije of Moravica served theHoly Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelerbation of Archimandrite Seraphim (Shemyatovsky) - representative of the Orthodox Church of the Czech lands and Slovakia at the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Archpriest Danilo Andrejuk - representative of the Orthodox Church in America at Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Archimandrite Alexander (Kotov), hieromonk Aleksandar (Galuska), archpriests Aleksandar Pavlovićc Maksim Belikov and Dmitrij Kalashnikov, priest Anatoli Salivoncik and deacon Vladislav Sokolov.
Hierarchs Porfirije, Jovan and Heruvim talked with Bishop Skvorcevic
1. February 2021 - 11:29On January 26, 2021, Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana, Bishop Antun Skvorcevic of Pozega, President of the Council of the Croatian Bishops' Conference for Ecumenism and Dialogue, Bishop Jovan of Slavonia and Bishop Heruvim of Osek-Polje and Baranja met at the Spiritual Center of the Serbian Orthodox Church at Sveti Duh in Zagreb.
The participants in the meeting referred to the consequences of the March earthquake in Zagreb, especially at the Cathedral and the Archbishop's Palace, as well as at the Cathedral church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. They also talked about the consequences of the recent earthquake in Banija, which everyone personally saw by visiting the affected areas together with Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac.