Patriarch Irinej in Metropolitanate of Libertville-Chicago

His Holiness Irinej Serbian Patriarch went to the United States of America yesterday, where he will visit Metropolitanate of Libertville-Chicago from February 16 until March 1, 2011. 

Chicago Sun-Times reporting about Patriarch's visit and welcome at the Cathedral

The Serbian Orthodox Church's highest ranking religious leader kicked off a two-week visit to Chicago by telling members of Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral they should be proud of perserving their religious tradition.

Chicago Sun-Times - Complete Article

Slava in Sretenje Monastery


Saint Sava celebration in Austin

The weather was beautiful, the food was delectable, and the children were magnificent. This year's St. Sava Celebration was a success by every definition of the word. The lovely Sunday morning started off with a Divine Liturgy lead by Fr. Dragoljub, with a large number of our parishioners in attendance.

Orlando Parish celebrates St. Sava
