Mayor visited the church of Saint George in Lorain, OH
13. January 2021 - 17:58On the second day of the feast day of the Nativiy of Christ, 8 January 2021, Mayor of Lorain Mr. Jack W. Bradley visited the church of Saint George. The mayor in an official visit was welcomed by hieromonk Nektarije Tesanovic with members of the church administration.
Metropolitan Porfirije: We have been making efforts to help people to settle down
12. January 2021 - 11:12Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana received, on the 8jh of January 2011, the aid of the City of Belgrade, which was sent to Petrinja, and informed the news agency Tanjug that it was necessary to support people who had lost their homes in the earthquake with accommodation.
He stated that more prefabricated houses were needed, because a large number of people had been left without homes in the earthquake. - There are many older people. They spend their nights in cars, and not only those whose homes were destroyed, but also those who had a possibility where to sleep, but for fear of recurrences of earthquakes, they do not dare to spend the night in their homes, said Metropolitan Porfirije.
Christmas Liturgy in Sisak celebrated under a tent
12. January 2021 - 17:09Due to the severe damage to the churches in Sisak and Petrinja, the believers celebrated Christmas in the churchyard.
In the earthquake that hit Croatia at the end of 2020, all Orthodox churches in Banja were destroyed or severely damaged. The church of St. Petka, as well as the parish house in Sisak, are unusable until further notice. Due to that, the believers of the parish of Sisak served Christmas services in a tent set up in the churchyard. Although they themselves were left homeless, or their houses suffered great damage, the believers from Sisak did not give up the Christmas services and gathered around their priest. The evening worship service on Christmas Day was served by their parish priest Veselin Ristic, after which he blessed and burn the Yule Log with the faithful.
Founder's Patron Saint-day of Vratna Monastery
12. January 2021 - 13:21On the second day of Christmas, on the Synaxis of the Most Holy Mother of God, His Grace Bishop Ilarion of Timok celebrated the Holy Liturgy in Vratna monastery which marked the same day as its Founder's Patron Saint-day - Saint Nikodim of Tismana.
The Bishop was concelebrated by protopresbyter-staurophor Vlajko Bankovic, protosynchelos Simeon and archdeacon Ilija. In his feast day's sermon, Bishop Ilarion reminded on the life of Saint Nikodim, for who it is known that he built monasteries of Vratna and Manastirica, and also it is believed that he is the founder of Monastery of Bukova.
The Polozajnik—first Guest at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church on Christmas
12. January 2021 - 12:18The Polozajnik—First Guest at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church on Christmas Day 2021 Nicholas Thomas (Altar Helper)
A special gift is prepared for this First Guest (in the old days in Serbia, it was a scarf or wool stockings) and he or she is given the reserved piece of česnica(made from corn wheat. The polozajnik (First Guest), whether young or old, male or female, is said to come in the name of God with best wishes.