Epiphany in Cathedral church in Krusevac

On the feast of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Jordan River - Epiphany, January 19, 2021, His Grace Bishop David of Krusevac  served the Holy Liturgy in the Cathedral of St. George in Krusevac.

Archpriests-staurophors Djordje Milojkovic and Ljubisa Milosevic, archpriests Dragic Ilic, Aleksandar Eric and Perica Stojic, priest Nenad Dragicevic, archdeacon Jovan Milenkovic and deacon Nenad Matic concelebrated to the Bishop.

Epiphany in Andricgrad

The great feast day of Epiphany was celebrated in Visegrad - Andricrgrad, in the church of Holy Greatmartyr Prince Lazar where His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosnia, the Locum Tenens of the Throne of Patriarchs celebrated the Holy Hierarchal LIturgy. 

The Metropolitan was concelebrated by protopresbyter-staurophors Aleksandar Topalovic, Rajko Cvjetkovic, Dragan Vukotic and Predrag Masap, as well as deacons Vasilije Pajovic, Budimir Gardovic and Marko Markovic. During the Holy Liturgy the Metropolitan ordained deacon Marko Markovic, a religious teacher from Strbac in Rudo municipality, to the rank of a presbyter. 

Epiphany in Banja Luka

The feast day of Epiphany was solemnly celebrated in Banja Luka. His Grace Bishop Jefrem of Banja Luka served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of priests and deacons of the Diocese of Banja Luka in the Cathedral church of Christ the Savior.

The Epiphany procession, led by Bishop Jefrem, began in front of the Cathedral church towards the "Patra" bridge at 12 o'clock. The solemn procession was attended by priests of the Banja Luka Archdiocese, representatives of the Army and Police, members of the Serbian Singing Society "Unity", representatives of cultural and artistic societies, the mayor of Banja Luka, Mr. Drasko Stanivukovic; President of the City Assembly Mr. Mladen Ilic and the faithful people.

Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist in Novi Sad

Bishop Irinej of Backa: Everything that the apostles of Christ testified - that is what St. John testified. In his person all the spiritual deeds, all the spiritual virtues of the greatest pleasures of God are united.

On Tuesday, 20 January 2021, His Grace Irinej Bishop of Novi Sad and Backa  celebrated his baptismal name. At the Holy Hierarch's Liturgy, i, the Bishop Irinej of Backa officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop Isihije of Mohacs, the clergy of the Cathedral church and the deacons of Novi Sad in the St. George's Church in Novi Sad.

Epiphany swimming for the Precious Cross in Kragujevac

His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija blessed 33 participants of the competion in swimming whose names were previously selected by the draw since this year 101 candidate applied. 

On the feast day of the Epiphany, 19 January 2021, on the lake of Sumarice for the 18th time an event Swimming for the Holy Cross was held. Organizers of this event are the Sport Society Svebor, local self-government of the City of Kragujevac and the City Tourist Organization. The organizers were supported by the priests of the church of St. Petka in Vinogradi, where the competitors attended the Holy Liturgy and the Great Blessing of waters.