St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day

St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day

The Parish Church of Holy Archangel Michael in Saratoga this year celebrated its Patron Saint a few days before the real Feast on 18 November 2018.

The presence of numerous parishioners and guests, both in our chapel at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy served by His Grace our Bishop Maxim and the nearby priests, and at a ceremonial banquet in the church hall.

In an inspiring word to the faithful addressed by Bishop Maxim, he focused on the words of the Gospel of Saint Luke about the Good Samaritan.  Further, His Grace detailed the modern age, and how we can be ‘Good Samaritans’ to our fellowmen. The harmonious singing of the church choir under the director Lazo Mihailović added the beauty of worship.

At the end of the Liturgy, Bishop Maxim blessed the Slavsko Zito and cut the Slavski Kolač. At the exit from the chapel, His Grace Bishop Maxim was welcomed by the children of our Church School with traditional bread and salt. Prior to lunch Bishop and priests, as well as a number of parishioners, spent in the library where the appetizer was served.

The program began with welcoming guests by William Davidovich, the vice president of the Parish Council, when he invited all attendees to stand up and gave proper honor to our Bishop. Exactly at 12:30 the Slava tropar was singing by our choir, and Bishop Maxim blessed the food.

Shortly after all the people were served, the cultural program started. We were overjoyed with the choir performance, and most especially with the children of the Church School. The ethnic group Iskra under the leadership of Gordana Mihailović added more enthusiasm to this program, so all ended with the folklore groups of our parish, led by Teodora Vojnovic, and Mladost folklore group under the leadership of Paul Bunjevic.

At the end of the program, His Grace Bishop Maxim awarded Moris Gadzo, with the medal of the St. Sebastian – the first degree, for all his contributions for the restoration of the Social Center, as well as his engagement in the completion of our new Church. This award was accompanied by the thrilling applause of all present. The whole program was concluded with the prayer and blessing by His Grace Bishop Maxim thanking God for this wonderful day for our Christian Orthodox community.

The organization of this celebration was done to a great extent by engaging Mihailo Vrcelj, Dr. Jelena and Nenad Vukićević, Kolo Sestara, and our wonderful kitchen crew led by Rajko and Milena Bukarica.

With positive impressions we thanked the Lord the Creator of all goods things for this day, praying that He will continue blessing His servants with good health and the salvation of our souls.

Source: Western American Diocese

St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day
St. Archangel Michael Parish Celebrates Patron Saint-day