St. Sava church in Pennsylvania receives new stained glass windows

St. Sava church in Pennsylvania receives new stained glass windows

St. Sava church in the town of McKeesport in Pennsylvania, USA got new icons in the stained glass. After five years of planning and collecting funds, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of East America blessed on Sunday, October 30 newly-made icons of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God, St. Nikolaj of Zica, Sts. Cosmas and Damian, St. Nicholas the Wonder-Worker, St. Great Martyr George, St. Sava and St. Simeon, St. Lazar of Kosovo and St. Petka. Bishops was concelebrated by head of the church, protopresbyter Stephen Rocknage.

This great event for the parish of St. Sava coincided with the great jubilee of the community of this community, on the 110th anniversary of the foundation. 

Source: Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral