Stewardship meeting held at Lebanon, Pennsylvania

On Sunday, October 07, 2012, David Batrich met with the parishioners of Holy Resurrection of Christ, Serbian Orthodox Church in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. “This is the third oldest parish in the United States and has a strong community and tradition” said David. “We are implementing Stewardship” added Father Chris Rocknage, “and asked David to present an overview of Stewardship.”

The discussion focused on the origin of Stewardship in the Old Testament and included a summary of what Stewardship is and is not. The most critical aspect of Stewardship is considering our Salvation. How God will judge us based on the use our Time, Talents and Treasures? Stewardship is not a program or process but how we must live our lives as Orthodox Christians. Father Chris also authored a small book about Stewardship. This will be available on the web site within a month. Please review Stewardship updates at
