Sunday of Orthodoxy in Belgrade

Today at the Archbishopric the Sunday of Orthodoxy has been celebrated.With the blessing and on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia and HisEminence Metropolitan Amfilohije, at the church of the Great Martyr Saint Demetrios the Myrrh-Gusher in Novi Beograd, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was served by the vicar of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, with the concelebration of protopresbyter-staurophor Rajko Nedic, protopresbyter Vojislav Kostic, archdeacon Marko (Momcilovic), an officer at the Office of the Holy Synod, deacon Dr Ilija Tomic, professor of the Faculty of the Orthodox Theology of the BU and deacon Dragan Tanasijevic and hierodeacon Hristofor (Nedjic).
The great temple of St. Demetrios has been filled with large numbers of the faithful people, mostly younger and children, which have partaken of Body and Blood at the Divine Liturgy. After the Holy Liturgy His Grace Bishop, as he always does, have conveyed the blessing of Patriarch Pavle of Serbia and during his pastoral speech he has pointed out that this Sunday when were are the truth of faith and when we are bowing to It, Truth about God and man, we are celebrating God and might of God in the world. Faith has been given to us as the knowledge of Truth, also given as power and force. It transforms everyone among us and such faith we are celebrating today. Truth was in this world always surrounded by lies as the Lord had been surrounded by those who crucified him. But Jesus won them all eventually and Resurrected from the dead.
As at the church of St. Demetrios , Sunday of Orthodoxy has been celebrated also in other 65 churches of the Archbishopric Belgrade and Karlovac.