Sunday of Orthodoxy with Homily by Bishop Maxim

The clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese are grateful to God for the safe and healthy return of Bishop Maxim to his diocese! The Bishop participated in daily services throughout the first week of Great Lent at the Diocesan See, St. Steven’s Cathedral, and then on the First Sunday of Great Lent, March 21, 2021, our Vladika celebrated the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great at the Cathedral, where he was joined by the Cathedral Dean Very Reverend Stavrophor Nicholas Ceko, Reverend Norman Kosanovich, and Deacon Vladan Radovanovic.

The Bishop’s sermon touched on the importance of human beings as living icons – images of God – especially as these times have called for the use of medical masks that disrupt interaction with the most obvious of physical icons: our faces. “In a society obsessed with multimedia illusions, this moment in time—The Sunday of Orthodoxy, the feast of the icon—proposes an alternative image, one that is iconic rather than idolatrous—the icon of God-Man,” Bishop said.

Source: Diocese of Western America