Tsar Nicholas II conference to be held in England in October

A conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth and the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of Russia’s last tsar, Royal Martyr Nicholas II will be held in Colchester, England in late October.

The conference will be held at St. John of Shanghai Orthodox Church in Colchester, England on Saturday, October 27.

Five speakers, including Royal Russia founder Paul Gilbert, Archpriest Andrew Philips (ROCOR), Nikolai Krasnov, authors Frances Welch and Marilyn Swezey will deliver seven lectures on Nicholas II.

“This conference will bring together people from all over Britain, Europe and abroad, to share and discuss one of the most documented and maligned monarchs in world history,” writes Paul Gilbert.

Topics include “A Century of Treason, Cowardice and Lies,” “Why Nicholas II is a Saint in the Russian Orthodox Church,” “Nicholas II and the Sacredness of a Monarchy,” “Nicholas II in Post-Soviet Russia,” and several more.

Tickets are £25 per person, including lectures and refreshments.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the conference’s website.

Source: Orthochristian.com