Varvarin: Fortification from VI century

Archeologist found at the outskirts of the village of Maskare near Varvarin an early Byzantine fortification from the sixth century.

Probably the village of Maskare would not be interested for the public if archeologists have not found at the outskirts of this village a early Byzantine fortification from the sixth century. So a village revived owing to the site known as Bedem which is almost not far from more famous medieval town of Stalac

Experts will soon be back on the field. The National Museum in Krusevac announced a systematic archaeological survey of Bedem. Support also came from the Ministry of Culture, the funds of 400,000 dinars will help to further enlighten the history of this unusual fortification.

The site Bedem is located a few hundred meters from the Western Morava and not far from the South Morava.

Source: Vecernje novosti