Victims of Paris terrorist attacks are commemorated in Orthodox churches in France

Memorial services for the victims of terrorist attacks in Paris were conducted in Orthodox churches in France the next morning after the perpetration.

Orthodox Christians throughout the country share the grief of the French people. We conducted a memorial service for the victims in the morning; another service will be conducted tomorrow. We prayed for the Russians who died in the horrible   Sinai plane crash, too, – Very Revd. Andrei Yeliseyev, rector of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Nice, told the ‘Izvestia’ newspaper correspondent on November 14.

Memorial services were conducted in churches and monasteries of the Korsun diocese which includes Orthodox parishes in France, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. Bishop Nestor of Korsun, administrator of the diocese, prayed in the Cathedral of Three Hierarchs in the capital of France.

Source: Patriarchate of Moscow