Visit to San Diego & Elevation of Deacon Paul Germain to the Rank of Protodeacon

On Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, His Grace Bishop Maxim served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the St. George parish in San Diego, California

On December 30, 2018, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, His Grace Bishop Maxim served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in San Diego, California with the con-celebration of local and guest clergy, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Miroslav Simijonovic from Zurich, Switzerland, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Milan Vukovic, retired priest from St. Petka parish in San Marcos, Protopresbyter Bratislav Bratso Krsic, parish priest, Protodeacon Paul Germain and Deacon Vladan Radovanovic with the participation of the faithful.

After the reading of the Holy Gospel, Bishop Maxim shared the joy of the Lord’s day and the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, the second Sunday before the Feast day of the Nativity of our Lord by giving his hierarchical homily on the theme of the feast day and the Gospel of St. Luke 14:16-24. He reminded the flock that we together serve the Liturgy to partake of Holy Communion and to participate in the Heavenly Kingdom here and now. The Liturgy is the Heavenly Banquet to which our Lord invites us to partake and enter into communion with Him, to be united with Him, to live with Him and His eternal life. God invites us, but it is up to each of us how and when, that is, in which manner we will respond to that call, whether with excuses as those invitees in today’s Gospel or as the Holy Forefathers in the Old Testament, and the Apostles and all the saints to this day. If we respond positively and with faith to God’s call we will become ‘chosen ones of God’ and the participants of the banquet, that is, the Heavenly Kingdom.

Having offered to the Lord archpastoral prayers that the faithful in the parish in San Diego may continue to grow and be conscious that we are, even in this world, at the Lord’s banquet; that we are in His Church at the eternal banquet of Truth and God’s Justice, and that in Christ we find and have everything necessary for our life, His Grace wished all a blessed and joy filled forthcoming Feast Day of the Nativity of our Lord.

During the Hierarchical Liturgy, Bishop Maxim elevated Deacon Paul Germain to the rank of Protodeacon. His ardent service to the Lord at St. George parish has been noticed by His Grace Maxim which translated into this well deserved elevation. Many years to Protodeacon Paul!

Following the Liturgy a performance of a short program by the parish children took place. The gathering was finished with prayer to the Lord for the grace filled celebration and the blessing by His Grace for the upcoming feast days.
