30th Anniversary of the Sacred Music Institute

The Department of Sacred Music is thrilled to announce the Thirtieth Anniversary Sacred Music Institute (SMI), which will be held at the Antiochian Village from July 8-12, 2015. This year is promising to be the best ever! Whether you love Byzantine or 4-part choral music, there is something for everyone, from theoretical classes to private lessons in voice, chanting, conducting and vocal technique; instruction in Byzantine chant and choral conducting; special presentations and concerts from the Sacred Music Chamber Choir and the Sacred Music Byzantine Chamber Choir; and even our 30th Anniversary Musical Review!

The Sacred Music Institute has it all. This very special and memorable weekend will be attended by our Keynote Speaker His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph. For more information about this not-to-be-missed event, please contact Paul Jabara at jabarasmi@gmail.com, visit the Department of Sacred Music web page, and join the Sacred Music Institute Facebook page for all the latest info.

And......for the fourth straight year, the Department of Sacred Music is thrilled to announce our Youth Music Ministry. This Ministry brings our teens throughout the Archdiocese together to worship through music. The teens have their very own classes in Byzantine chant and they participate in two choirs. They even have a session titled "Teen Talk" with Sayidna Joseph. Get ready Sayidna, our teens have lots of questions! And once again this year, all teens are eligible for full scholarships covering room/board/course materials, as long as they meet the June 1, 2015 deadline. For more information about the Youth Music Ministry, or as we like to call it, the "YMM", please contact chrisfarha@cox.net.

Welcome! Bienvenue! Ahla wa Sahla!

Source: antiochian.org