Adelaide Seminar, 20 September 2009
Perhaps the
greatest injustice to a great culture is not only for it to be misunderstood,
but for it to be misrepresented. It is up to the youth of the current
generation to set the benchmark and standard for future generations on how to
interact not only with each other but with and around the church. Last Sunday, 20
September 2009, the youth of Adelaide organised a seminar to address this very
point and to highlight the objectives of the Serbian Orthodox Youth Association
(SOYA). Despite being one of the first SOYA meetings held by the Adelaide youth, the
turnout of around 20 youth hinted at a bright future.
After a short meet-and-greet out front of the church hall and an introduction into the structure of SOYA and the main issues encountered by teams around Melbourne, attendees had the privilege of hearing Father Milan Milutinovic (Keysborough, Victoria) speak about the role of the church in modern-day society and the importance of keeping the youth involved and interested in their own faith. As always, Father Milan approached each issue in a way that each person could relate to and to understand and we are very grateful.
Some of the major issues addressed throughout the seminar were the need to keep a realistic view of objectives, and to maintain a positive attitude regardless of the success or lack thereof of particular events. As discussed on the day, the goals of SOYA won't be reached quickly, and we need to remember that even the smallest step in the right direction means progress.
Once again, I'd like to thank all involved for their kind hospitality and support throughout the day, and their active involvement in the afternoon's seminar. I sincerely hope to see more events being organised throughout the Adelaide parishes, bringing the Serbian Orthodox youth together and closer to the church.