Archbishop Stylianos of Australia decries global contradiction concerning Kosovo and Metohiya

Archbishop Stylianos of AustraliaSydney, 16 March 2008 - Thousands of Greek Australians gathered around their Primate, His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia, and in the presence of numerous dignitaries, including the Premier of New South Wales, the Honourable Morris Iemma, and other guests and spectators to celebrate the public manifestation of Greek Independence Day (25 March 1821) in front of Sydney's famed Opera House.

In his remarks, His Eminence noted that in celebrating the struggle for the Independence of Greece and the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, "we always try to make clear the importance this double celebration derives from the mere fact that it refers to ideals venerated by all people, regardless of place and time." For as the Archbishop noted, "Liberty, peace and justice have always been the presuppositions for a dignified life on our troubled and restless planet."

"This year's celebrations," he added "are unfortunately overshadowed by many still open wounds in different parts of the world, which all together constitute a tragic contradiction to the supposed benefits of globalization that the so-called ‘super powers' claim to promote throughout all humanity."

"The mentioned contradiction can also possibly exist within Australia. For example, the brave and fair decision of our new Prime Minister of Australia Mr. Kevin Rudd, to formally express an apology on behalf of the entire nation to all indigenous people for all they have suffered in the past, should by all means establish a normative measure for sincere compassion also towards many other people. Not only in the Pacific region, but also in China, Tibet, South-East Asia, the Middle East, Cyprus and, last but not least, for the dramatic situation recently created in Kosovo-Serbia."

His Eminence concluded by stating, "as long as we do not recognize that humanity, at least in our times, is revealed as one indivisible body, we cannot claim to celebrate worthily sacrifices of the past . . . with the same dedication to the ideals of liberty, peace and justice.

