Bishop Justin visitied New Gracanica Monastery
Bishop of Timok, Justin, visited New Gracanica Monastery and Bishop
Longin. On the day of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, the two
bishops served Divine Liturgy in our monastery. On Sunday, the 13th of
September, they visited the parish of the Holy Ascension in Rockford IL
for the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the parish.
At Divine Liturgy, Bishop Longin greeted the dear guest from Serbia and Bishop Justin gave an inspiring sermon to the faithful. After Liturgy, at the banquet, parish priest and professor at the Theological School of Saint Sava, Fr. Branislav Koncarevic, greeted Bishop Longin who served the Liturgy in his parish for the the first time as its Bishop. In his words to the people, Bishop Longin pointed out the importance of strong faith and brotherly unity in the preservation of our spiritual and national identity in this land.
After spending some time in
conversation with the people, the guests were joyously seen off and
departed for New Gracanica.
On Monday, September 14th, on the day of the beginning of the new
Liturgical year, Bishop Longin visited parishes in Lansing IL,
Scherrerville and Merrilville IN together with his guest. Bishop Justin
was impressed by the beautiful temples as well as by the faith and
sacrifice of the people who built them.
In the evening, the two bishops took part in the Vigil in the Monastery of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in New Carlisle IN. The next morning, Bishop Justin served Divine Liturgy along with Archimandrite Gavrilo (Raskovic) and gave out Holy Communion to the sisterhood. Bishop Justin responded to the Hegumeness Makrina's request to speak to the sisters about spiritual life. Speaking about monasticism in his diocese, and about life in Christ generally, the Bishop pointed out the importance of obedience and mutual love among brothers and sisters. With his simple but deeply spiritual words, he comforted and encouraged this sisterhood which is small in number but great in importance.
After five days of Bishop Justin's visit which were filled with events, Bishop Longin and Fr. Djuro Krosnjar said farewell to the guest as he started his journey back to Serbia.