Bishop Longin visited the CSC of Saint Sava in Milwaukee
26th of September 2009 - His Grace Bishop Longin, along with
Protopresbyter Stavrofor Marko Todorovic, visited the Church-school
community of Saint Sava in Milwaukee WI. After a warm welcome on the
part of Father Dragan Veleusic and Father Radomir Cutilo, the Bishop
viewed the beautiful Cathedral, unique in its beauty far beyond our
After seeing the buildings of the complex, the Bishop took part in the commemoration of a general and a Cetnik leader Lazar Tesanovic. The whole program was dedicated to this man who suffered for his faith and name. All the speakers, including Fr Dragan who recited a poem about Lazar Tesanovic, considered it very important that the people in central Bosnia and Krajina are nowadays erecting a monument to general Tesanovic in Javorani, the village of his birth. During his speech, Bishop Longin expressed his joy over Church unity on this continent and called for further Serbian unity centered around our Holy Orthodox Church.