Celebration in basketball camp Dejan Bodiroga in Trebinje

The famous Serbian basketball player Dejan Bodiroga said tonight that a basketball camp in Trebinje, which is organized this year for the fourth time, managed to become traditional. " The goal has been reached, for the Camp succeeded completely by any means. More and more participants from many countries come every year", Bodiroga said at the celebration in Trebinje on the occasion of 4th basketball camp "Dejan Bodiroga".

Bodiroga also stated that this is the third year that children from "Bakons College" from London, are participants of the camp and that there are more than 50 of them this year. He announced for the next year organizing 5th basketball camp with more participants and expanding sport fields.

Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje and Hercegovina expressed satisfaction with the quality and organization of the camp, which has in last four years gathered more than 1000 participants, which will be more next year.

After the formal celebration, a basketball game was played in which Bodiroga and his friends took part. In "Bodiroga and friends" team consisted of bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje and Hercegovina, the famous Serbian basketball players Milan Gurovic, Sasha Obradovic and Zeljko Rebracha, and former players and now successful trainers of young categories. 

In this year's Camp " Dejan Bodiroga" which is organized in three shifts, there are 350 young basketball players from more than 20 countries. Now it is the third and last shift of the camp which will last until 23rd July.

Source: Diocese of Zahumlje and Herzegovina