Church slava in Saratoga
Sunday, November 22nd St. Archangel Michael Church celebrated it's
Annual Krsna Slava. But this year Slava was special and unique in
several ways.
Firstly, His Grace Bishop Maxim came in full capacity as our diocesan Bishop and served Hierarchical Divine Liturgy along with seven priests including the host Fr. Slobodan Jovic, whom His Grace found worthy to be elevated into the rank of protopresbyter-stavrophor.
Secondly, this year Slava coincided with the celebration of а new Church building permit. The presence of our architect Paul Bunton signified, God-willing, the imminent beginning of building of our long-awaited St. Michael Church.
Thirdly, the Chapel and Social Center were so well attended, like never before, by faithful people including neighboring parishioners, so that everybody was moved by great joy and happiness. The most positive sequence of these festivities were the great number of communicants, and children, especially members of our youngest folklore group, and the Church School who performed.
During the Slava Banquet, His Grace greeted the crowd again and presented several parishioners - pioneers of this Parish with Episcopal Gramatas for their great work, faithfulness and loyalty to their beloved Church. After an impressive celebration that all in attendance had, they went home with a positive outlook in the life of this parish. God is great and He rewards all cheerful workers in His Vineyard.