Cincinnati parish celebrates 100th anniversary

It  was certainly a memorable weekend. More then we could have ever imagined. Bishop was welcomed at the Vesper Service by the Parish Priest Prota Petar Petrovic, visiting Clergy, all of the Executive Board and a full Church of faithful. The following day, Sunday, October 25, the consecration of the Holy Table as well as the blessing of the bishop's throne, table of Oblation, Icon stands and Cantor Stand was had.

For Divine Liturgy, to which responses were made by the Yovan Ducich Choir of Indianapolis, the Church was packed. In the hall (for the banquet) over 200 souls were present. The Priest and the board asked Bishop Mitrophan for a blessing to establish a building fund in order to build a Byzantine Style church in the upcoming 5 years. The bishop not only blessed it, but promised to be the first to contribute to it. We greatly missed the presence of our past Bishop Longin but it became obvious that God has blessed us much with our new Bishop Mitrophan. We are blessed and thank God for that.

The faithful of
St. George Church
in Cincinnati, Ohio 
