Disputes on world origin make no sense from theological standpoint

Disputes between advocates of evolution and creation scientists are senseless from theological standpoint and do not have any vital meaning, Professor of the Moscow Theological Schools Alexey Osipov said. "I believe such disputes are sad event of our time. Fundamentalists of the creation science don't understand a simple thing: the question of creation or evolution makes no sense to theology," Osipov told an Interfax-Religion correspondent in a lobby interview of the Science. Philosophy. Religion conference organized by St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation in the Moscow Region this week.

According to the theologian, those who accept the existence of God, accept that God is the source of the existing world, don't ask such questions. "It is God's business how to create: all species at once or to give laws for this world to develop," Osipov said.

Professor finds the attempts "to ascribe God to any stand" funny. "All these disputes on evolution or creation are guess-work. Advocates of each version can find their own arguments. We should treat such questions easily as they don't have any vital meaning for us," the theologian believes," the theologian said.

Source: Interfax religion
