Greece's centenarian flag-raiser dies

For nearly half a century, she raised a Greek flag every day at the border with Turkey - a simple act that elevated her to national status.

A funeral service was held Monday for 107-year-old Vasiliki Lambidou in the village of Marasia, located in the country's remote northeast. She died on Sunday.

One Christian in the world dies for faith every five minutes - statistics

One Christian in the world dies for faith every five minutes - statistics

The Russian Orthodox Church urged well-developed countries to set up an effective system of protecting Christians, in particular using financial factors.

"The European Parliament in its Resolution of January 20 mentions the necessity to set up a specific mechanism of influencing the countries where Christians are persecuted. I think this mechanism can be reduced to a brief formula: economic and other aid should be granted in return for guaranteed security for religious minorities," head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion said at a Friday briefing in Moscow.

18th Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy in Paris Condemns the Genocide against the Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians

The 18th Annual Inter-Parliamentary Assembly was held in Paris on June 21-24.  28 countries participated in this year's work of the Assembly.

On June 29 the press conference was held by Mr. Mkrtich Minasyan, Head of the RA NA delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, and Mrs. Ruzanna Arakelyan, member of the delegation who spoke of the work and the outcome of the 18th  Assembly.

Serbia Land of the Frescos, a travelling exhibition

Serbia Land of the Frescos, a travelling exhibition
Serbia Land of the Frescos, a travelling exhibition
Serbia Land of the Frescos, a travelling exhibition
Serbia Land of the Frescos, a travelling exhibition

The Gallery of Frescoes of the National Museum in Belgrade will be exhibiting facsimiles of medieval and Byzantine Serbian frescos and sculptures at the Basilica dei Santi Apostoli in Rome from 6 July to 29 July 2011.

Google logotype on Tuesday was dedicated to the 450th anniversary of St.Basil's Cathedral

A Google Doodle marked on Tuesday, July 12, 2011  the 450th anniversary of St. Basil’s Cathedral in Russia. The famous Russian landmark, which features nine multi-colored onion-shaped domes and is located outside of the Kremlin in Moscow’s Red Square, replaces the “l” in Google’s famous logo.