Archaeologists uncover 5th century church in Turkey

A 1,500-year-old church, believed to be one of the earliest in Asia Minor, has been unearthed by archaeologists in a dig in the Black Sea Province of Karabük, Turkey, reports Christian Today.

The church, found in the area of the ancient city of Hadrianapolis, which now lies buried beneath Eskipazar, 100 miles north of Ankara, is decorated with images of the Geon, Phison, Tigris, and Euphrates Rivers, all of which are mentioned in the Bible, notes Ersin Çelikbaş of Karabük University's archaeology department.

40,000 march through heavy Parisian rain to protest abortion

Despite the heavy rain, approximately 40,000 people came out for the March for Life through the streets of Paris on Sunday. The pro-lifers completed the entire 4-hour march in downtown Paris. This year’s theme was “From Darkness to Light,” reports the Catholic News Agency. In addition to the tens of thousands of Frenchmen, several pro-life groups from Holland, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Portugal also joined the pro-life march.

Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch-Catholicos of All Armenians

Karekin II (secular name Ktrich G. Nersisian) was born on August 21, 1951, at the Voskehat village near Etchmiadzin, Armenia. He attended the seminary in Etchmiadzin from 1965 to 1971. After graduation, he served as seminary assistant inspector and taught the New Testament.  He was ordained deacon in 1970 and priest with the name of Karekin in 1972. 

Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama

Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama
Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama
Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama
Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama

Док су рашчишћавали мине по селима око Хане јединице сиријске војске наишле су на древни мозаик који потиче из византијског доба. У изјави за Спутњик Абдел Кадер Фарзат, директор Музеја у Хани и Одељења за старине у Хани, изјавио је да су „пронађени драгоцени артефакти изван Акербата, на 85 км источно од Хаме. Када су приспели први извештаји од стране војске, група наших стручњака је отпутовала на ту локацију и установила да мозаик потиче из византијског доба. Урађен је у првој половини петог века. Мозаик великог обима приказује птице, а лежао је на метар и по дубоко у земљи.“

“Before I am an athlete, I am an Orthodox Christian”

Taken off the tennis courts for six months because of persistent elbow pain, Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic made his return to the ATP circuit on Tuesday, facing off against American Donald Young in the first round of the Australian Open tournament. He won the match handily (6-1, 6-2, 6-4). And it’s a safe bet that this man, who dominated the world tennis elite from August 2014 to November 2016, was able to find the energy he needed for his comeback thanks to his regular Bible reading.