Palms Sunday in Damascus

Palms Sunday in Damascus
Palms Sunday in Damascus
Palms Sunday in Damascus
Palms Sunday in Damascus

His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II celebrated the Holy Qurobo on the occasion of Palms Sunday at St. Georges Patriarchal Cathedral in Bab Touma, Damascus.

1400-year-old Byzantine coins found near Jerusalem

A stash of bronze coins dating to the fifth through seventh centuries has been found on the highway leading to Jerusalem in an archaeological excavation that began in June 2016. Archaeologists believe the coins may have belonged to Christians fleeing the invading Persian forces, reports Christian Today. The coins discovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority were easily dated as they bear the image of the Byzantine emperors during whose reign they were made. Three periods are represented in the find: the reigns of Emperor St. Justinian (483-565), Maurice (539-602), and Phocas (547-610). Each coin depicts its respective ruler in military dress and bearing a cross.

Alexander The Greta in his beloved Alexandria

Alexander The Greta in his beloved Alexandria
Alexander The Greta in his beloved Alexandria
Alexander The Greta in his beloved Alexandria
Alexander The Greta in his beloved Alexandria

On 16th May 2017, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, accompanied byu His Eminence Narkissos Metropolitan of Accra and Patriarchal Vicar of Alexandria and the Consul General of Greece in Alexandria, Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis, visited Government House of the Great City of Alexandria, where he donated an elaborate bronze bust of Alexander the Great, a unique work by an artisit from Tinos, with the inxcription “Praxitelous”.

Catholicos-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia Meets Archbishop Leo of Karelia & all Finland

Catholicos-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia Meets Archbishop Leo of Karelia & all Finland
Catholicos-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia Meets Archbishop Leo of Karelia & all Finland
Catholicos-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia Meets Archbishop Leo of Karelia & all Finland
Catholicos-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia Meets Archbishop Leo of Karelia & all Finland

On March 21, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians met with Archbishop Leo of Karelia and all Finland and Head of the Orthodox Church of Finland.

After visiting the Orthodox Church Center and Museum in the city of Kuopio, the Heads of the two Churches offered a joint prayer in the New Valaam monastery complex. Stressing the ancient origins of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the contribution made to the Christian family; Archbishop Leo stressed the importance of the creation of ideas and developments through joint and common efforts of the Armenian Apostolic and the Orthodox Church of Finland, though their warm and brotherly relations.

36th Anniversary of the Christian Education Center in Damascus

His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II attended the celebration of the 36th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Christian Education Center in Damascus. The celebration was held at St. George Patriarchal Cathedral in Bab Touma, Damascus. The celebration included a short overview spanning the years of ministry and service that the Center has offered since its establishment in 1981, as well as the current activities that they are continuously offering despite the crisis in Syria. The event included hymns chanted by the young members of the Center as well as meditations on Faith, Work and Love, which is the motto of the center.