Assyrian Organizations Send Open Letter to U.S. Presidential Candidates

An open letter by eleven Middle Eastern, European and American Assyrian organizations has been sent to the crop of U.S. presidential candidates. The letter asks the candidates what steps they would take to stop the genocide of Assyrians, Yazidis and other groups by ISIS.

ISIS destroys 2,000-year-old legendary ‘Gate of God’ in Iraq

The IS has destroyed a 2,000-year-old gate near the Iraqi city of Mosul. The structure is known as the Gate of God, and used to guard the ancient Assyrian city Nineveh.

Lambeth Cross awarded to His Grace Bishop Angaelos

At a ceremony hosted by Lambeth Palace in London yesterday the Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism was awarded by Archbishop Justin Welby to three leading ecumenists. Amongst the three was the co-chair of the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative, His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom.

Number of abortions in Russia has decreased by 24,5%

Head of the Russian Health Ministry Veronika Skvortsova reports that the number of abortions in the country has decreased.

"It is important to say that thanks to active measures of psychological support of pregnant women, organization of pre-abortion consultation service in maternity hospitals and prenatal clinics, the number of abortions has decreased by 8% in 2015. That is 67,000 children born. And if compared to 2011 - by 24,5%," Skvortsova said on Wednesday speaking at a governmental session dedicated to the demographic situation in Russia.

Remnants From Ancient Church Unearthed in Gaza by Construction Workers

Remnants From Ancient Church Unearthed in Gaza by Construction Workers
Remnants From Ancient Church Unearthed in Gaza by Construction Workers
Remnants From Ancient Church Unearthed in Gaza by Construction Workers
Remnants From Ancient Church Unearthed in Gaza by Construction Workers

Construction workers in Gaza have discovered ancient ruins that archaeologists say may be part of a Byzantine church dating from around 1,500 years ago, the Palestinian Tourism and Antiquities Ministry said Monday.